It has been long that I have not posted anything on my blog, about my sweety Anant. Anant has become very naughty now a days. But he is growing well, learning new things, becoming religious. Trying to read things, showing he knows everything . Give him a piece of paper and he will start “gangangganggang” His codeword language.
Now he is 1.5 yrs old and he will tell you eyes, nose, tongue, teeth, legs, hands, fingers and thumb. I like the way he tells things. As he is growing he is becoming naughty and adorable. One habit-not eating anything willingly sucks me. I loose my temper when he does not eat anything.
He is mama’s bay, but loves his papa more than mama. He enjoys his papa’s company and misses him a lot. My nonu baby. I miss him a lot while I am in office.